Friday, August 3, 2012

Myths About the Sat and Act - Three Myths Perpetrated About the Sat and Act You Probably Don't Know!

6Th Grade Math - Myths About the Sat and Act - Three Myths Perpetrated About the Sat and Act You Probably Don't Know! The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination Myths About the Sat and Act - Three Myths Perpetrated About the Sat and Act You Probably Don't Know!. And the content associated with 6Th Grade Math.

Do you know about - Myths About the Sat and Act - Three Myths Perpetrated About the Sat and Act You Probably Don't Know!

6Th Grade Math! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

College bound students are inundated with a lot of false data about college, and in particular, the Sat. Students are told "You can only take it during your senior year," "You can only take it once," and "Colleges median your scores" - Not!

What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about 6Th Grade Math. You check out this article for information about anyone want to know is 6Th Grade Math.

How is Myths About the Sat and Act - Three Myths Perpetrated About the Sat and Act You Probably Don't Know!

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from 6Th Grade Math.

Myth #1 - You can only take it during your senior year. Not!

You can take the Sat as early as you want. We have 6th graders take it at my school and Duke University has thousands of 7th graders take it every year as part of their Talent Identification Program. For those who are serious about Admissions to top schools and scholarships, we propose you take the, Psat, Sat and Act once a year in junior high for the experience. Take the Psat each year and the Sat and Act once each semester during the 9th and 10th grade years. Take a prep procedure in the summer in the middle of your sophomore and junior year. Take the Psat for narrative in October (only time it is offered) of the junior year, and an Sat and Act each semester, taking a chronic prep procedure or under the guidance of a college coach.

Myth #2 - You can only take it once. Not!

You can take it as many times as you want. Although the Act sets a limit of Twelve times, the Sat has no limits. Like I mentioned above, start early and take the tests often to get the best results long term. After all, the habitancy you are going to be competitive against to get into those top schools and get those scholarships are doing the same thing.

Horror Story - I encountered an Sat prep coach in the Houston area who used this myth to scare parents in to taking his prep course. He said that top schools like Harvard and Rice will only accept One score and that if they see you took the test more than once, they automatically disqualified you. Not! Just to satisfy the fears of one parent who heard this, I personally called the admissions offices of Harvard and Rice and asked the interrogate directly. The guy at Harvard was nice and diplomatic about it. He stated that Harvard would accept the student's top score regardless of the whole of times the trainee took the test. The guy at Rice was more direct. His commentary included the term "Bull****," but he wanted to make sure we were off the record.

Myth #3 - Colleges median your scores. Not!

Colleges only get the scores you send them. They Cannot go online to the College Board site and seek your Sat file. Colleges will let you send them scores from many tests and they will use only the best scores. Indeed, when a trainee is on the cusp for admissions or a bigger scholarship, the admissions habitancy will often propose the trainee take the test again to raise their score. Also, because the Sat habitancy "center" the score from test to test, some colleges will take what is called a Super Score - taking the top component (Math-Reading-Writing) scores from many tests. These "centering" the Sat does for each test could assuredly make your score lower on a test that you got more questions strict just because they adjusted the scores. Hence the conjecture colleges try to find a way to help you look your best.

When you fill out the scoring sheet during the test, there are places you can enter college codes to have your scores sent to them. We tell our students not to have their scores sent to any colleges until you get them back. It costs and extra , but it great to know your scores before you send them off sight unseen.

I hope you get new knowledge about 6Th Grade Math. Where you'll be able to put to utilization in your life. And above all, your reaction is 6Th Grade Math.Read more.. learn more here Myths About the Sat and Act - Three Myths Perpetrated About the Sat and Act You Probably Don't Know!. View Related articles associated with 6Th Grade Math. I Roll below. I even have counseled my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Myths About the Sat and Act - Three Myths Perpetrated About the Sat and Act You Probably Don't Know!.

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