Friday, August 3, 2012

Why Do Our Kids Fail in Living Up to Their Potential?

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6Th Grade Math! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

In this country today it is practically impossible to remove a teacher and rightly so unless you catch them on tape doing something really wrong and nothing must be covered up . They unions now have so much money, that they have to hire citizen to shape out where they can spend it all. It is not acceptable to be teaching subjects about gay lifestyles or any at all to grade level students, and really not by teachers. These are for the parents to justify to our own children at the acceptable time. High school biology class is where human sexuality should be discussed and not taught by whatever who may have an ulterior motive.

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How is Why Do Our Kids Fail in Living Up to Their Potential?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from 6Th Grade Math.

They are making up songs about our wonderful leader and doing what they can to promote some cause or other that the groups within the union is interested in. And the special interests they are purportedly obligated to. Our children are not reaching upper graduate levels in science, math, chemistry or physics anymore and our doctors are largely arrival from overseas. California is 50th out of 50 in class sizes and they spend close to the most money ( 47th out of 50 per student ). And 12& of all students are illegal. These figures are from Info Usa U S, agency of State Fiscal 2007 budget summary, on Feb 6th 2006. The decline in instruction that may never be made up. All they ever do is ask for more money and then improve the union. They look for new members from any direction, and use any excuse to swell their ranks for more voting power.

Unless the citizen of this country wake up and force the issue it will go on and on and on. They have to take back control of school boards and force politicians to pass laws that give control of school book procedure and publication back to the parents where it belongs. Why do we not have more parents instead of politicians on school boards. A lot of citizen use school boards as springboards to higher offices in politics.

Why have we let it get this bad for so long? It's because they all the time come up with" a new plan to save our schools" that takes the spotlight. We have been hearing this for years now and it's all the time the same story. We need more money! It is about time that the parents are waking up and going to school board meetings and demanding results like they are at Tea Party meetings and other concerned town hall groups.

Can you fantasize what the outcry would have been like if any teacher had written a song, like the one they are teaching kids about President Obama, for George Bush? The outcry could have been heard colse to the world. The teacher would have been fired at once and hounded from the school system. The so called mainstream news organizations would have written dozens of stories about her. As it was, no one made a sound. It did have one useful succeed and that was to enrage parents about their kids being indoctrinated like that in our schools of all places.

This apparent takeover of the school curriculum by the so called far left groups has gone way to far to be endured any longer. Parents are ultimately awake and angry, doing things to counteract the special interests inside the unions supervision levels. It seems the only citizen who have the the moral strength to fight back are the mom's of the world. God bless the moms of this country for standing up for the kids and stopping the nonsense. Their are a lot of moms that are teachers also, and they are becoming unafraid of any kind reprisals from within the unions or their members within that might object to their speaking out about conditions within schools.

They can make the meetings and join the groups to make a stand against what is happening to our children. The police riot squads will have a hard time justifying roughing them up or shooting tear gas at a peaceful convention of mom's demanding change. The Chicago police with Mayor Daley's apparent lack of control have gone way to far for the rest of the country to just sit back and take it.

Chicago is reportedly, the crime capital of the state ( remember their history ) with the strictest gun control laws of any other city except maybe New York, and by taking the guns away from innocent homeowners, they have given the criminals free reign over the city. Now the criminals are the only ones who have guns. They don't have to worry if the home they desecrate has weapons in it. They can do whatever they wish. Mayor Daley's political theory has permeated the city with corruption charges and stories of graft from before the time his father was in control up until now. Remember Capone?

Their school theory is close to being one of the worst reported among the nation wide decline. The theory we have will collapse of its own weight if we do not take control back and place it where it belongs, into the hands of parents and teachers of local school boards in each community. That is where the theory works best for all concerned. Why do politicians promise, year after year, to come up with new programs to fix the schools and make improve in grade levels, where it all starts. And year after year they do apparently nothing. Once they get into office its promise after promise and more and more talk and not very much action.

Every time we get together and form groups to try and right wrongs by marching, they use police and other means to try and frighten citizen into backing off. This time lets see them bring on whatever against the moms of this country who are fighting for their kids, to give them what they need to grow and get the best instruction possible. After all; it is the citizen in every city, town and village over America that Pay the bulk of all school taxes included in their property taxes. And they are skyrocketing over the nation.

The Federal government provides only 8.2% of the instruction budget and practically all of that is to supply money for college loans, grants, and other programs that hold students in their quest for a good high level education. They want to be prepared for a life where they can earn a living and hold themselves in a way that would be less faithful than it was for their parents. It also seems as if the unions want more and more control over grade school curriculum and mid and high school levels as well, for their own purposes.

But the groups within the unions seem to want to promote varied lifestyle teachings to our children without asking for any parental input. Just go ahead and print school books about gay lifestyles or any others, and place them in the hands of teachers to be taught to children to promote what they feel are their rights. That Is Not The Place To Do That. Go to each state legislature and try to pass legislation about making legal, rights of partnership and curative survivor ship. The rights of citizen to enter into relations with someone else for the same legal provisions as married couples. citizen will recognize these principals but not the legal marriage of two citizen of the same sex. It goes against most religious principals and teachings.

Parents do not like others teaching their children about sex in grade school or in mid level school either. If the teaching of sex to children is done, then it should be done in the procedure of biology and normal studies in high school and not by promoting any sexual lifestyle or preferences. The American public does not want any teachings that smack of indoctrination or promotion for any lifestyle other than the one that shows a married couple in a home with one man and one woman, married and raising a family.

Even now the union leadership is promoting open voting for its members so others inside the union will be able to see how each member votes. Now they want to look over your shoulder as you vote. Then they can get rid of trouble makers or watch as each member votes about any proposition before the membership. What ever happened to the privacy afforded each personel to keep his vote secret. Next they will want to watch as you pull the lever in a voting booth. Talk about hutzvah. We as citizen are losing our privacy every day to government scrutiny all the time. What it comes down to is; If not us, then who? If not now, then when? Get up on your hind legs America and let them know who is in charge!

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